Body Count. 9. Notes
Full bibliographic details are provided in Section 10.
1. Camus (1946).
2. United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2005).
3. Congress (1776).
4. Austen (1818), Northanger Abbey, Chapter 24, pp201-202.
5. Rabindranath Tagore quoted in Henry Miller (1992), Moloch or, this Gentile World, p257.
Chapter 1
1. Lem (1967), The Cyberiad, Tale of the Three Story-telling Machines of King Genius, p148.
2. McCullers (1943), p136.
3. Hansard of the House of Commons, Winston Churchill speech, Hansard, vol. 302, cols. 1920-21, 1935; quoted by Jog (1944), p195.
4. Wasserstein (1979), p357.
5. Molière (1664); see Oxford University Press (1981), p171.
6. Popper (1976).
7. Kuhn (1970).
8. Koestler (1964).
9. Santayana (1953), “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it”.
10. Chatterjee (1944, 1984); Das (1949); Drèze & Sen (1989); Drèze, Sen & Hussain (1995); Ghosh (1944); Greenough (1982); Greenough (1988); Jog (1944); Mason (2000); Polya (1995, 1998a,b, 1999a,b,c, 2001a,b, 2005); Ray (1973); Sen (1945); Sen (1981a,b); Uppal (1984); Villager (1945).
11. Mason (2000), pp177-178.
12. Carter & Mears (1962).
13. Greenough (1982); Jog (1944); Polya (1998); Sen (1945).
14. Hitchens (2001).
15. UN Population Division (2004); UN Population Division (2005).
16. Laqueur (1980); Wasserstein (1979).
17. Wasserstein (1979), p357; Holy Bible, Luke, 10:30-35.
Chapter 2
1. Marsden (1988), p23.
2. Singer (2000), ppxv-xvi.
3. Holy Bible, Exodus, 20:13.
4. UN (1948), UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 3.
5. American Declaration of Independence, Congress, July 1776; see Orwell (1949) p236.
Chapter 3
1. Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, III, I, line 273.
2. Davidoff (1942), p425.
3. Goldsmith, The Deserted Village, lines 51-52; Eastman et al. (1970), p500.
4. Schopenhauer (1860), Essays, On Books and Reading; Davidoff (1942), p148.
5. Hemingway (1932), Ch1.
Chapter 4
1. Suetonius, Divus Julius, 37.2.
2. Marsden (1988), p42.
3. Knightley (1975).
4. Orwell (1946); Orwell & Angus (1968).
5. Widely attributed to Albert Einstein.
6. Bradfield (1996); Flannery (1994); Gilmore (1934, 1935); Macintyre (1999); Macintyre & Clark (2003); Manne (2003); McQueen (1971); Reynolds (1990).
7. Gilbert (1969), p88; Gilbert (1982).
8. Polya (2006a); Treurniet et al. (2004); see Funder (2002), Chapter 19 & Uhlig (2001) re Stasi radiological tagging of East German dissidents; differential mortality of Roma may contribute to excess mortality in Hungary in particular.
Chapter 5
1. Todorov (1982), p134; Chalk & Jonassohn (1990), p178.
2. Todorov (1982), pp137-138; Chalk & Jonassohn (1990), p178.
3. Darwin (1839), Ch.5; quoted by Lindqvist (1992), p116.
4. Lindqvist (1992), p116; Scobie (1964), Ch.1.
5. Butler (1933) speech, quoted by Ali (2002), p260; see also Butler (1935) and Butler & Palfrey (2003).
6. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990); Darlington (1969); Diamond (1997).
7. Bissio (1990).
Chapter 6
1. Mason (2000), pp177-178.
2. Ali (2002), p264.
3. Eisenhower (1961); Ali (2002), p266.
4. Arnett (2001).
5. 1966 60 Minutes interview of UN Ambassador Madeleine Albright with Lesley Stahl
6. Bissio (1990).
7. Diamond (1997).
8. Mao Tse-Tung (1965)
9. Indian Child (2000); Mason (2000); Monbiot (2005); Polya (1998a); Schama (2002); Singh et al. (1997); Singh & Singh (1997); US Library of Congress (1998), Country Studies/Area Handbook Series: India.
Chapter 7
1. Conrad (1899).
2. Sven Lindqvist (1992), “Exterminate All the Brutes”, an analysis of European racism and colonialism.
3. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990), p241.
4. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990), p243.
5. Lindqvist (1992), p160.
6. Mandela (1994), p386.
7. Bissio (1990); Blum (1995, 2003).
8. UNAIDS (2005).
9. Bissio (1990); Blum (1995, 2003); Diamond (1997); Lindqvist (1992); Schama (2002).
Chapter 8
1. Roy (2004a).
2. Lindqvist (1992), p 2.
3. Thornton (1987), pp78-79.
4. Iraq Body Count (2005).
5. Roy (2004b), p77.
6. United Nations (2004), Department of Economic & Social Affairs, Population Division, "World Population Prospects: The 2002 Revision Population Database”
7. Geneva Conventions; United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights (2005)
8. Polya (2005c); Geneva Conventions; United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights (2005).
9. Holy Bible, Leviticus, Ch.13.
10. Watts (1997).
11. Boccaccio (1350), The Decameron.
12. Watts (1997).
13. Darlington (1969), Ch.25; Diamond (1997), Ch.3; Watts (1997), Ch.3.
14. Darlington (1969), Ch.27; Flannery (1994), Ch.28.
15. Reason (2000).
16. Iraq Body Count (2005).
17. Bradfield (1996); Flannery (1994); Gilmore (1934, 1935); Macintyre (1999); Macintyre & Clark (2003); Manne (2003); McQueen (1971); Reynolds (1990).
18. Macintyre (1999); Macintyre & Clark (2003), The History Wars; Manne (2003); Windschuttle (2002).
19. Ring & Firman (1998); Thomson et al. (2004).
20. Geneva Conventions; United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights (2005).
21. Ring & Firman (1998); Thomson et al. (2004).
22. Baldwin (1963); McCullers (1943); UNICEF (2005).
23. Polya (2005d,e).
24. UNAIDS (2005).
25. Kuhse & Singer (1985), pp84-85.
26. Geneva Conventions; United Nations Commissioner for Human Rights (2005).
27. Holy Bible; Roche (1990).
28. Aarons & Loftus (1997; Dwork (2002); Gilbert (1969); Heydeckker & Leeb (1975); Laqueur (1982); Lanzmann (1985); Markusen & Kopf (1995); Nyiszli (1986); Persico (1994); Rees (2005); Russell (1956); Steinbacher (2005).Wasserstein (1988); Weissberg (1958).
29. Agee (1975); Ali (2002); Blum (1995); Bradfield (1996); Brown (1973); Applebaum (2003); Belich (1986); Bennett (1987); Chalk & Jonassohn (1990); Chang & Halliday (2005); Chomsky (2001); Dalrymple (1997); Darlington (1969); Das (1949); Davis (2001); Davis (2006); Diamond (1997); Drakulić (2004); Drèze & Sen (1989); Drèze, Sen & Hussain (1995); Flannery (1994); Ghosh (1944); Gravelle (1979); Gray (1995); Greenough (1982); Greenough (1988); Jog (1944); Heydeckker (1975); Hitchens (2001); Kissane (1995); Lindqvist (1992); Litton (1994); Mason (2000); Perkins (2005); Pilger (1989, 1992, 1998, 2002); Polya (1995, 1998a,b, 1999a,b,c, 2001a,b, 2005); Prebble (1969); Roberts (2004); Roche (1990); Rothermunde (1988); Roy (2004a, b); Russell (1967); Schama (2002); Sen (1945); Sen (1981a,b); Todd (2004); Uppal (1984); Villager (1945).
30. Chang (1991); Conrad (1899); Coppola (1979); Curtis (2005); Flanagan (2000); Frank (1945); Gilmore (1934, 1935); Greene (1955); Haley (1976); Keneally (1972, 1986); Kosinski (1965); Kramer (1959); Kuznetsov (1970); Levi (1979, 2005); Margulies (1977); McCullers (1943); Mehta (1999); Paton (1948); Ray (1973); Shute (1957); Solzhenitsyn (1963, 1968, 1973); Spielberg (1993).
31. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990); Polya (2003).
32. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990); Darlington (1969); Diamond (1997).
33. Macintyre (1999); Manne (2003), a collection of scholarly, academic responses to Windschuttle (2002), this latter book being a detailed, revisionist apologia for the European settlers of Tasmania that “somehow” completely disposed of all “full-blood” Tasmanian aboriginals in the space of 73 years; see also Macintyre & Clark (2003), The History Wars (the name given to this dispute).
34. Diamond (1997), pp53-54.
35. Gravelle (1979); Zinsser (1934), p67.
36. Gravelle (1979); Polya (1998).
37. Brown (1973); Chalk & Jonassohn (1990); Darlington (1969); Diamond (1997); Watts (1997), Ch.3.
38. Bissio (1990); Chalk & Jonassohn (1990); Darlington (1969); Darwin (1839); Diamond (1997); Lindqvist (1992).
39. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990).
40. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990).
41. Bissio (1990); Morel (1907).
42. Lindqvist (1992).
43. Dalrymple (1997); El-Ghusein (1917); Gurun (1985); Walker (1990).
44. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990); Applebaum (2003).
45. Chang & Halliday (2005).
46. Gilbert (1969); History Learning Site (2003).
47. Gilbert (1969); Parkes (1964).
48. Lindqvist (1992), pp159-160.
49. Bhattacharya (1967); Mehta (1999), Earth; Robinson (1989); Spear (1979).
50. Ali (2002), Ch.16; Hitchens (2001), Ch.4.
51. Pilger (1992), Part V, Cambodia.
52. Pilger (2002), The Model Pupil.
53. Pilger (1998), Part III, Inside Burma.
54. Chomsky (1999); Pilger (1998), Part V, We resist to win; Hitchens (2001), Ch.8.
55. Ali (2002), Ch.11.
56. Roy (1999).
57. Drèze & Sen (1989).
58. Mason (2000), pp177-178.
59. Lindqvist (1992).
60. Prebble (1969).
61. Gray (1995); Kissane (1995); Litton (1994).
62. Davis (2001); Greenough (1982); Kachhawaha (1985, 1992); Maloo (1987); Polya (1998); Schama (2002), Vol. 3; Spear (1979).
63. Das (1949); Drèze & Sen (1989); Drèze, Sen & Hussain (1995); Ghosh (1944); Greenough (1982); Greenough (1988); Jog (1944); Mason (2000); Polya (1995, 1998a,b, 1999a,b,c, 2001a,b, 2005); Ray (1973); Sen (1945); Sen (1981a,b); Uppal (1984); Villager (1945).
64. Chang (2005); Polya (1998).
65. Darlington (1969); Diamond (1997); Livi-Bacci (1992); Nikiforuk (1991); Watts (1997); Zinsser (1934).
66. Brooks (2002), The Year of Wonders; Camus (1948), The Plague; Pepys (1669), The Diary of Samuel Pepys from 1659 to 1669.
67. Carson (1962).
68. Islam et al. (2004); Watts (1997).
69. Gravelle (1979); Zinsser (1934), p67.
70. Islam et al (2004).
71. UNAIDS (2005a,b,c).
72. Puccini (1897); Mann (1924), The Magic Mountain (Nobel Prize for Literature).
73. Polya (2005f).
74. History Learning Site (2003); Iraq Coalition Casualties (2005); Polya (2005f)
75. Blum (2000).
76. Orwell (1949); see also Emmanuel Todd’s Après l’Empire (After the Empire) and Chalmers Johnson’s Blowback.
77. Shephard (2001).
78. Iraq Body Count (2006); read Paul William Roberts’ A War Against Truth.
79. Roy (2004a).
80. Polya (2006b).
81. Polya (2005k).
82. UNODC (2005) Trends in World drug markets, UNODC Report, Executive Summary [see:].
83. Polya (2005g), Submission #112 to the Senate Inquiry on Anti-terrorism laws.
84. Global Issues (2005); read Perkins (2005) and Todd (2004).
85. Homer, The Iliad and The Odyssey; Virgil, The Aeneid.
86. The Holy Bible.
87. Sartre (1946).
88. Chalk& Jonassohn (1990).
89. For variously critical assessments of the Black Hole story see: Datta in Majumdar & Dighe (1977); Edwardes (1977); Einbinder (1972); Gopal (1963); Little (1916); Macfarlane (1975); Polya (1998a); for “traditional”, highly coloured versions see Barber (1966) and Nolan (18xx).
90. Rusbridger & Nave (1991).
91. Stone (1952).
92. Blum (1995, 2000); Pilger (1989, 1992, 1998, 2002).
93. Ali (2002); Pilger (1998, 2002).
94. Ali (2003); Blix (2004); Chomsky (2005); Danchev & MacMillan (2005). Dodge (2005); Hallenberg & Karlsson (2005); Roberts (2004); Roy (2004a,b); Ritter (2003, 2005).
95. Reynolds (2005); Griffin (2005a,b); Moore (2004); Scholars for 9/11 Truth (2006); Vidal (2002); Wikipedia (2006); Journal for 9/11 Studies.
96. 9/11 Commission (2004).
97. Reynolds (2005); Griffin (2005a,b); Moore (2004); Scholars for 9/11 Truth (2006); Vidal (2002); Wikipedia (2006).
98. Davidsson (2005).
99. Monbiot (2005); Polya (2005g).
100. Polya (2005f,g).
101. Aarons & Loftus (1997); Israeli (1983); Laffin (1982); Meir (1975); Thomas (1999).
102. Chomsky (1983); Cohen (1998); Davis (1986); Laqueur (1970); Said (2000, 2004); Said & Hitchens (2001); Selzer (1970).
103. Polya (2004).
104. Stauffer, T.R. (2003), The costs to American Taxpayers of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict: $3 trillion [see:].
105. Dawkins (1976).
106. Congress (1776), American Declaration of Independence.
107. Dawkins (1976).
108. Singer (2000).
109. Polya (2005h).
110. Polya (1998a, 2005f,j).
111. Henderson (2005); National Vanguard (2005).
112. Das (1949); Greenough (1982); Jog (1944); Polya (1998a); Sen (1945).
113. Mason (2000).
114. Churchill (1954), vol. 4, p181.
115. Edwards &Williams (1957); Gray (1995); Kissane (1995); Litton (1994).
116. Letter of C.E. Trevelyan to Lord Monteagle (1846), quoted in Edwards & Williams (1957), p257.
117. Trevelyan (1952), pp644-645.
118. Polya (2005f, g).
119. Polya (2000f, g).
120. Chalk & Jonassohn (1990), p7.
121. Wasserstein (1988), pp172-173; Laqueur (1982), pp 223-228; Appendix 4, The Department of State and the United Nations Declaration of 17 December 1942.
122. Laqueur (1982), p208.
123. Taylor & Taylor (1993).
124. Snow (1961).
125. Taylor (1965).
126. Polya (1998a, 2005a, b,i).
127. Global Issues (2005); Todd (2004).
128. UN (1948).
129. Monbiot (2003); UN (1948, 1998, 2004, 2005); UNAIDS (2005a,b,c); UNODC (2006); UN Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (2005); UNICEF (2006).
130. Polya (1998a); Popper (1976); Reason (2000).
131. Cipolla (1978); Johnson (1994); Livi-Bacci (1992); Moffett (1994); Newbold (2002); Polya (1998a); Sarre & Blunden (1995); Todd (2004).
132. Lovelock (1979, 1988, 1991, 2006); Polya (1998a).
133. Balmford et al. (2002).
134. IPCC Report (2007); Holdren (2007)
135. Reason, J. (2000).
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